
January 12, 2023 LaDawn

I so admire those who write faithfully on their blogs; either every day or at least once a week. I want to be one of those people, but….life gets in the way. My grandkids live close now, so I want to spend time with them. My oldest daughter is going to school an hour away and I am driving her there and home every day. During rush hour. That makes four hours of driving a day. And for a while I tried staying close by, but in the end I figured I would spend less in gas and tolls than if I shop for 8 hours a day!

Anyway, it all means I have less time at home, and therefore less time to sew or write on a blog!

Let me show you what I made for Christmas!

Quick Wonder Woman panel quilt

This one was for my 4 year old grandaughter. I used a flannel on the back that has glow-in-the-dark stars. And I rolled the back over the front for the binding. Not super crazy with how it works, but it was faster and allowed for less bulk.

Dinosaur panel quilt

This one was for my 2 year old dino-crazy grandson. The back is glow-in-the-dark dinosaurs. Also the bone fabric on the front is also glow-in-the-dark flannel.

Both kids are thrilled with the quilts and used them a lot as they were sick the past couple of weeks.

Candy wrapper zip bags

I tried my hand at making candy zip bags. They were fun, but I don’t know that I will make any more. I used several Youtube tutorials.


These were gift card holders! My nieces are all adults now and their mom said just to give them gift cards. I decided to make them wallets from Erin’s dogundermydesk pattern. So fun and easy to make.

And here are just a few of the UFOs I’ve been working on during this Christmas break:

Low volume double 4 patch
House quilt
McKenna Ryan’s Alejandro pattern.

That’s it for now! I’m heading up to my sewing room!

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