Summer Time!

July 13, 2020 LaDawn

Summer is here in full swing! I love summer, even the heat. Of course, I spend most of my time in air-conditioned places, but I love not having to worry about a coat or jacket when I go out. I love afternoon thunderstorms and sunny mornings. I love the abundance of fruits and vegetables available in the stores. I love the sound of kids laughing as they play outside, (though that is a little rarer this summer). I love walks at dusk when it’s just a little cooler and everything smells summery! I love everything about summer except the bugs!

With all the craziness in the world, for awhile I just needed to not have to use my brain for much, and that meant in the sewing room, too. So I’ve done a lot of therapy sewing where I just put fabric through the machine, making nine-patches or doing other repetitious blocks. Eventually, however, I found myself wanting to use my creativity in new ways. So, I offered a COVID-19 challenge to my online guild: make a quilt that represents how you feel about the quarantine. That is pretty much it. The only rules are that we have to post a photo with an explanation of how it fits our theme. So far 13 people have signed up to participate. I am pleased; I wasn’t sure how people would react.

For my own COVID quilt, I am making different blocks to represent different events or feelings. This is the first one:

The pattern is a free one from It’s been awhile since I’ve done any paper piecing, and it didn’t turn out as well as I had hoped, but it will do. Can you guess what it represents? Yep; my feelings about the whole riots and race situations. While making it, I listened to the Autobiography of Martin Luther King, Jr. Such a good listen! Martin Luther King was an incredible speaker; listening to some of his speeches just gave me chills! If you want to read my full (short) review, you can check it out on my Goodreads page.

What else have I got going on? Two wedding quilts and a baby quilt! One wedding is in August, the other in December, and Grandbaby #2 will be born in September! So, a lot to keep me busy.

Oh, and I am making a memorial quilt from ties for a friend. That one has got me nervous. I’ve never made one before and while I don’t think it will be difficult, it is not as easy or quick as I thought when I agreed to do it. My creative juices are working though, so it will get done. Hopefully sometime this summer. The plans are all made, the ties and fabric cut, it’s just starting it that is throwing me. I am afraid of messing it up!

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