Still Housebound

April 23, 2020 LaDawn

You would think that not being able to go out and about would make it much easier to find time to sew. And, yes, I think there is some truth in that, but I think I have actually used more of my extra time on puzzles and cross-stitch. Oh, and doing some digital scrapbooking to finish our 2018 family album.

Of course, I’ve made face masks for my family and a few friends. And despite finding the easiest pattern out there, it still took about 30 minutes per mask. But now that is done, and I am back to trying to finish my Trail Mix quilt before the end of the month. I’m going to quilt it in four sections since it is a queen sized quilt.

In progress on the design wall
sections basted and ready for quilting!

One other little thing I made was this little wallet. My old one was in desperate need of retirement. So one morning I spent a few hours putting this together. I do wish I had used a different color of zipper, but it still works! This the Get Carded pattern from Erin at I love everything she makes and find that her incredibly detailed patterns are so worth the money! And, if you have a problem, you just hop onto her facebook page and within a few minutes to an hour or so, you will get her help. She is wonderful!

So, that’s where things stand with me right now. I’m heading upstairs to the sewing room!

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