Shiloh, a Civil War Reproduction

September 10, 2018 LaDawn

I first saw this Civil War reproduction quilt in a quilt store in Garland, Texas. (That shop doesn’t exist anymore, unfortunately.) I was so taken with the sample that I bought the pattern and started on it right away. In fact, I think this is where my love of reproduction fabrics started. The pattern, Shiloh, is still available here. When I bought it, the company was known as Bluebonnet Quilts. Today, it is Red Crinoline Quilts.


Fast forward more than a few years: I had all the blocks pieced and the flying geese borders. My online group, Quilting Around the World, has a UFO challenge going where we list our UFOs at the beginning of the year, and then once a month the facilitator pulls a number and we are to work on that UFO for the month. Shiloh has been on my list two years in a row, and this month (well, last month) it finally got done.


I hoped to get a good photo in the wild, but it seems that is not happening any time soon. So, I will post the photos I have taken and hopefully you will forgive the poor quality. This is the top.

And here it is being quilted with my trusty Bernina 440.

And after quilting. I just did straight line cross-hatching with stippling in the borders. It took forever, and caused fibro pain to flare. I really need to only quilt in sections; it’s so much easier on my body!

I loved making this quilt. I hope you enjoy, it too!



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