Serendipity in Quilting

July 20, 2017 LaDawn

Today I want to share with you a sweet little quilt with a serendipitous mistake. I love making baby quilts. Who doesn’t?  So, over the years, I’ve made  them for many of my friends.

This one I made back in 2008 for a little one named Annike.

Unfortunately, I don’t have a good photo of the quilt when it was new, and this is obviously a well-loved quilt! It used to be much brighter!


When I first made it, I picked out an easy block pattern and bright, “girly” prints. I got the whole quilt top sewn together, borders and all. I was getting ready to sandwich and baste it when I noticed a huge mistake! I had sewn one of the blocks together wrong which totally messed up the chain look of those little pink squares!


I could’ve taken out that block, fixed it and replaced it, but have I mentioned that I’m kind of lazy sometimes? Especially when it comes to unsewing! So, I looked at it and thought about it for awhile. Finally, I decided on adding a large Sunbonnet Sue over the mistake. I enlarged a pattern and found some more pink fabric that would be perfect, and made Sue with her head tipped back to see the quilt.

And just FYI, I’m sure it took longer to add the Sunbonnet Sue than it would have to fix the block!!


Now when I look at it, I realize that adding Sue took a nice, ordinary quilt and turned it into a much more interesting quilt. Serendipity!

And here is Annike today with her quilt!


Here is a photo of a photo I took right after she was born. You can get a better idea of the colors here.

What serendipitous mistakes have you made, either in quilting or in life?

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