Quarantine sewing

March 26, 2020 LaDawn

Hey all! I’m still here, just not posting much. Mostly today, I just wanted to get a few words and photos down.

Doll quilt made for an Instagram swap.
The photo makes it appear orange and gray, but it is really red and blue.

This corona virus quarantine isn’t that much different from my normal life, except that EVERYONE is home ALL THE TIME! Which means more work for me! I’m amazed that five people can go through every mug and cup in the house in one day. And then there are the missing dishes and utensils. When I ask everyone to bring me any food dishes from their rooms, they all claim not to have any; but in a few hours or the next day, the missing dishes find their way to my sink, (not the dishwasher, mind you, just the sink)! This is four adults and one teenager.

In case anyone besides me reads this and wonders who the four adults are: one of Lynette’s friends is living with us for awhile, so we have Craig and me, plus James, then Emmeline, and then the teenager is Rachel. Oh, and Ember, her service dog in training.

All of that to say I am not really getting as much sewing done as I would like. Here’s what I finished this week. It’s a “row robin” done by my online guild, quiltingaroundtheworld.com . I did the fourth row down with the house and church. Then I asked the others to do rows that had something to do with patriotism. I got back the most beautiful rows! I think this was a 2018 swap.

Americana Rows
The back.
A little rag quilt and taggie for a friend’s granddaughter
(It hasn’t been washed yet, so those seams are not ‘raggy’ yet)

I am going to try to post more often. If only for myself. See you around!

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