One Monthly Goal link-up!

June 2, 2017 LaDawn

I’ve decided to participate with Elm Street Quilts in their One Monthly Goal link up. Chances to win prizes are involved!

The way this works is you choose a project you plan to work on each month, describe it or take a photo of the current progress or and post it somewhere (blog, instagram, or flickr) and link it back to OMG. At the end of the month you report on whether or not you met your goal. Each time you link up, you are entered into the drawings for prizes from sponsors such as the Fat Quarter Shop, Moda, Aurifil, etc.


So, with no further ado, my OMG is to get both Star Wars quilts quilted. If they get bound, that will be an extra bonus, but since I will not have access to a sewing machine for most of the month, if I can just get the actual quilting done I will be thrilled!

I wrote about basting these quilts in this blog post. And here are my photos.

If you decide to join in, please link here, too. I would loveĀ to see what you are working on this month! (If I can figure out how to let you do that! Cool! It worked! Just click on that little froggy button below!)

Elm Street Quilts One Monthly GoalĀ June Linkup.

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1 Comment on “One Monthly Goal link-up!

  1. What a fun quilt! Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and good luck with your project.

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