New Year, Old finishes

January 17, 2024 LaDawn

Can’t say I’m sad to see 2023 go away. But 2024 hasn’t started much better. Last year was full of funerals and illnesses and just no fun struggles for much of my family. And we started out the new year with an ambulance ride due to seizures for my youngest. So in the next month or so, we have a ton of doctor visits to go to in order to rule out epilepsy and multiple sclerosis, but we are pretty sure it is Function Neurological Disorder.

I did manage to get a few finishes in, mostly of tops that were already close to being finished. What really helped was my decision to send tops out to be quilted by my friend Debbie Henderson of Pioneer Soul Quilts. Best decision ever!

So here, in no particular order, are all the quilts I did this year. Mostly in the first half of the year. Feathers and Winterbirds were quilted by Debbie.

Small quilt for donation
House quilt. One of two.
Graduation t-shirt quilt
Hexie baby quilt (the back is flannel)
Feathers. My favorite of all time. Pattern is from The Pattern Basket.
This one was a wedding quilt. Based on Bonnie Hunter’s Blue Ridge Beauty.
This panel quilt was a pattern in a magazine. I can’t remember which one right now.
Second house quilt. Baby quilt.
Another sweet donation quilt.
Panel quilt finished very quickly and Ember wouldn’t let me take a photo!

And I had one more, but for some reason, wordpress doesn’t want to load it.

So, actually, I got a lot more done than I thought! In total, 14 quilts plus a couple of totebags and a fabric book made for my grandson.

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