Just a bit of sewing

June 8, 2020 LaDawn

While the world falls to pieces around me, what do I do? Retreat to my sewing room, of course!

Welcome Home

This was a pattern that sat in its project box with a few fabrics for many years. In May, in conjunction with Quilting Around the World’s UFO challenge, I pulled it out and put it together! I even got a back put together for it. I had hoped to get it finished before Memorial Day, but I got sidelined by a migraine for several days. And since then, life has happened. Maybe next month.

Meanwhile, I’ve also been working on a few other new projects and this old one:

This is a pattern from Edyta Sitar called Scraptacular. Her original quilt was done in browns and very scrappy. Frankly, I wasn’t enamored of it; but then I saw it done in a controlled scrappy look with reds and pinks and I loved it! The above is my thought for which fabric to use as the long sashing strips, but I am still vacillating a bit with this combination instead:

Any strong opinion one way or the other?

I have lots more to show you, but I’ll save it for another post. I’m heading up to my sewing room!

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