I love vacations. I love getting to go new places, meet new people, and do new things. I love seeing family and friends that live too far to see regularly. But I also love coming home. My own bed, my own shower, my creatures all anxious to show me how much they missed us! And now, I can add coming back to my blog! Maybe by the next vacation I will be organized enough to write a few posts before I leave so that they will automatically post while I am gone. One can dream, right?
This year, we drove West to Utah so my youngest could sing with the Millennial Choirs & Orchestras in the Salt Lake Tabernacle. The choir also recorded an album while there. This made our first week there very hectic with rehearsals on Temple Square and back and forth to the recording area at the University. We stayed with my brother and sister-in-law and had all kinds of fun with them! From adventures in the mountains to a zip line in their back yard, it was non-stop fun!

This is my daughter and my parents after one of the performances. She did three performances. There were over 2000 participants in the choir, all coming from 5 different locations, consisting of children from the age of 4 up to adults. Rachel is in the Youth Chorus. If you are interested, here is a link to the choir’s website: http://www.millennial.org/
It really is a phenomenal group. My middle daughter loved the time she spent with the choir and says it changed her life. Rachel is also loving every minute of it, even the standing for seemingly hours on end during rehearsals!
To make the week even more fun, my oldest daughter and her husband had literally just moved to Salt Lake the week before, so we were able to spend more time with them than we had originally planned. The very first day, before rehearsals started for Rachel, I took Elaine down to the closest fabric shop and Janome dealer to buy her a new sewing machine! It was her college graduation present. We went in hoping to find a good deal on a Janome, but the only ones that were near my price range were being discontinued. We ended up with a Brother, which I wasn’t totally sold on because I have not been impressed with the Brother I have. However, she will get 6 free classes and help with any problems she might have along the way. She was very excited, and I just realized I didn’t take a photo of her with it! We even managed to get a desk for $15 at the local thrift store that will serve as a very sturdy sewing table. Within a few hours she was texting me that she was unpacking all of her sewing supplies and anxious to get started.
Did I tell you she won first place in the Keepsake Quilting Kid’s Challenge one year? I was so proud of her! I should try to find a photo of that and post it.
Another exciting thing that happened: a wildfire started on the mountain close to my brother’s house. We watched it from the very beginning until the end. And we weren’t the only ones that found it fascinating; it seemed that everyone for miles around watched it by finding a good vantage point and making an evening’s entertainment out of it! I’m talking picnic blankets in the park and cars parked on all the side roads!

I have more to add, but I am still trying to get laundry done and such, plus I have an apron swap going with my online guild and the deadline is approaching! Gotta get busy with that this afternoon.