
August 20, 2022 LaDawn

A long time ago, it seemed like everyone in my quilting group was crazy about English paper pieced hexagons. I repeatedly said I would NEVER do hexagons! Grandmother’s Flower Garden patterns just did not appeal to me. Neither did any of the modern patterns I saw. But…never say never, right?

Well, fast forward to a few months ago when I headed out to help my daughter pack up her house. I needed some handwork that I could do on the plane and in the evenings. Cross-stitch would normally be my go-to, but I know from previous experience that cross-stitch and grandkids don’t mix! So, I had recently seen a stunning quilt on Instagram. It had hexie flowers appliqued to diamond backgrounds. I loved it! (It’s called the Kingfisher quilt, and was a free quilt-along offered by Stitched in Color back in 2018.)

For the next few months, I made flower after flower. By the time I was done, I think I had over 150! I only needed 46!

Since I now can get to my machine, and have some time on my hand, I was able to get the center of the top done. I think I am just going to put a couple of borders on it and call it done instead of doing the whole Kingfisher instructions.

The other flowers will go into other quilts. I’ve set some aside for a baby quilt. But those will be set on squares, not diamonds!

What do you think?

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