Finishes and More

March 22, 2023 LaDawn

So exciting! I have several finishes that I haven’t written about. And more progress on UFOs!

Hexagon quilt/Kingfisher

This is the hexie quilt I’ve been working on since last March. It’s so fun to look at with all the details in the in the center of the flowers. I still have enough left over flowers to make another few quilts, plus I just keep sewing more! They are so easy to take and work on when I am out and about!

Mega Dream Bag

One of my friends posted a photo of her version of this bag and I loved it so much that I immediately bought the pattern and a week later made the bag with fabrics that had been in my stash for far too long! The pattern can be found here.

And ta-da! Scraptacular is done! I sent it to my friend Deb Henderson of Pioneer Soul Quilts and she did a fantastic quilting job for me. I loved it so much that I immediately sent her this one to quilt also!

When it’s done, I will post a photo.

This one is almost done! I just have to figure out the backing and then get it ready for quilting.

That’s it for now. I’ve got a busy day and need to get it started!

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