Hello All,
I wanted to first introduce myself. My name is Elaine and my wonderful mother is the creator of this blog. I recently moved to Utah with my amazing husband. I love to bake, cook, craft, and quilt. I’m excited to continue to expand my skills as I share them with you.
I have always wanted to write a blog, so when my mom started one up I jumped at her offer to add me to it! Between the two of us you will get a variety of different topics. To help you understand my side of the blog I wanted to tell you some of my goals for this blog. One of the main goals of my blog will be to introduce you to new recipes. Recipes that will be delicious and easy to add to your rotation of meals. A main struggle I’ve seen among many homemakers is getting in the rut of cooking the same several meals over and over. It becomes tiring to eat those meals again and again. I also know the flip side of it, and how overwhelming and exhausting it can be to try to find new recipes, so my goal is to help aide you in that process. To freshen up your rotation of meals without too much hassle. Another goal of my blog will teach you random tidbits about things I’ve learned around the house, whether it be cleaning tips, sewing tutorials, or other random crafts.
So if this sounds like something you would enjoy to follow please subscribe to our blog!