Dog Gone Cute Baby Quilt

February 9, 2021 LaDawn

This “Dog Gone Cute” baby quilt is another quilt I made this past summer and never posted about! The pattern is from Lorna of SewFreshQuilts. I made this for my new grandson, and didn’t get it finished until after he was here!

I had to take the top with me to my daughter’s house and finish it there, which meant basting it on the floor. Something I haven’t done for years! Even though the fibromyalgia is much better, I was still sore after crawling around on the floor trying to baste this thing!

Here’s the finished quilt, and finished baby!

Shows fancy stitching on the binding of the quilt

I tried doing a fancy stitch on the binding. It sort of worked. Also, that is a close up of my very simple quilting.

I added the cats because I thought it was fun, and it also gave me a way to incorporate some fabrics that were left over from his big sister’s baby quilt. I blogged about that one here.

And I also made a double gauze blanket for him.

Big sister is so enamored of her baby brother!

And for Christmas, I made one for his sister.

For hers, I made it more like this tutorial from Melissa at polkadotchair. I added the batting she calls for, which I didn’t do for her brother. He was born in the summer and didn’t need the extra warmth.

I have actually made several double gauze blankets for baby gifts. They are certainly faster and easier than a quilt, and I think for non-quilty people, they are more likely to be used and appreciated.

And, can I just say, being a grandma is just about the most amazing thing in the world! It could only be better if I lived much closer. Being half a continent away is no fun. Thank goodness for Google Duo and Marco Polo apps!

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