Category: Uncategorized

May 1, 2020 LaDawn

Whoo-hoo! Finally, a huge finish! This is the Trail Mix quilt from American Patchwork and Quilting magazine in 2004! That year or the next, there were several versions of it in our local Plano quilt show. I loved every one of them. I don’t know exactly when I finally started my own, but I used…

April 23, 2020 LaDawn

You would think that not being able to go out and about would make it much easier to find time to sew. And, yes, I think there is some truth in that, but I think I have actually used more of my extra time on puzzles and cross-stitch. Oh, and doing some digital scrapbooking to…

March 26, 2020 LaDawn

Hey all! I’m still here, just not posting much. Mostly today, I just wanted to get a few words and photos down. This corona virus quarantine isn’t that much different from my normal life, except that EVERYONE is home ALL THE TIME! Which means more work for me! I’m amazed that five people can go…

November 5, 2019 LaDawn

This year, we didn’t have time to do our normal Halloween traditions. My husband loves to carve intricate and creative designs on pumpkins, and this was the first year in 25 that he didn’t get to do that! I guess that’s what happens when you are almost an empty-nester. Rachel, who just turned 16, was…

March 14, 2018 LaDawn

I don’t have much time to write right this minute, but I wanted to let everyone know that the problems with my website have finally been fixed! So, I will be posting regularly again. I have so many fun projects going on right now, and I am so excited to be able to share them….

January 30, 2018 LaDawn

So, I know it’s been awhile since I’ve posted anything. I’ve been quite active on Instagram, but due to problems with my WordPress site, I’ve hesitated to post anything. I still haven’t been able to get it resolved, but wanted to post anyway. Hopefully some of you have found your way back here even through…

October 4, 2017 LaDawn

This is Lynette, my second daughter. She is my horse crazy one. Horses were her passion from the time she knew what they were. She finally got to start riding lessons when she was around eight. Ever since, she’s been at “the barn” whenever she could get a ride. She also plays the piano and…

September 13, 2017 LaDawn

When I was 13, my family visited the home of my Great Aunt Norma. It was the one and only time I would ever have the pleasure of seeing her in person, but it had a tremendous effect on my life. Why? Because she showed us closets and shelves and more closets full of beautiful…

August 31, 2017 LaDawn

I grew up in the era of double knit fabrics, and my mother was a professional seamstress. (For any of you modern sewists, that’s what we were called back then!). That meant there was plenty of double knits in my house. However, my mom didn’t quilt, so I don’t have any double knit quilts from…

August 16, 2017 LaDawn

I want to introduce you to my kids, or at least give you an update of what each of them is up to these days. With my girls, I will highlight their quilting prowess; with my son, I’ll have to tell you of his writing and bread baking exploits, since he hasn’t sat at a…