A Couple of Finishes!

June 26, 2018 LaDawn

So, I’ve been pretty busy this summer.  A bunch of finishes, and a bunch of works in progress. Once the Hunter’s Star wedding quilt was done, my next deadline was a Medallion Round Robin with my online guild, Quilting Around the World, (quiltingaroundtheworld.com). You can find those photos on my Instagram feed. While working on that, I was also busy trying to get Lynette’s t-shirt quilt done. It was supposed to be a graduation present after all. I wanted to have it done and on her bed when she came home this month.I succeeded! First, here she is with her sister who drove her to the airport to head home to us:

love them!


And here is the quilt:

So many interests!

So many stories and memories are held in this quilt. It is large and heavy, as one might suspect of something so full of love and history! It’s not quite queen size in width, but it definitely is in length, especially after I added the last row of tamale bags on the bottom. I collected them for years—ever since Lynette developed a passion for tamales. I planned to use them as a backing for her t-shirt quilt, but then I bought a fat quarter bundle of Harry Potter prints so I used that and forgot about the tamale bags until it was almost too late! Never fear. I figured it out, and now she has her reminder of all the tamales we’ve eaten over the years; for birthday dinners especially!

Here’s the back:

The back: Harry Potter and Horses

She loves it and has already been sleeping under it, even though it is way too hot for quilts this time of year.

She came in on a Thursday afternoon. Her little sister Rachel was at Girls Camp and figured she would have to wait for Friday to see Lynette. Not so! As soon as we got Lynette’s luggage in the house, she and I drove up to Beavers Bend State Park in Oklahoma to surprise her. Let me see if I can figure out how to upload the video.


My next finish is even more exciting…but I think I will make you all wait until I have a better photo opportunity. Here’s a hint:

9 months!

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